
How To Use Vlc As A Youtube Emcoder

How to download YouTube Videos using VLC - 2020

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Method 0 - Downloading YouTube Video (youtube-dl)

Really, this method is not using VLC. Information technology is written in Python. So, I'll put this at the finish of this tutorial!

Method 1 - Downloading YouTube Video using VLC & Browser

The steps to download a video from YouTube is very simple in concept: play the video on our Browser, and relieve the file past right mouse click on the video. So, the central is to move the video's playground from YouTube to our Browser.

1. Get URL from YouTube Video

Get the url while the video is played on YouTube:


Run VLC actor, then select Open Network Stream...


Paste the YouTube URL into network URL, and then striking Play:


While the video is playing, become to Tools -> Codec Information:


As shown in the picture below, we get the video file location Ctrl+A while holding the mouse:


three. Playing it on Browser and Save the video file

Paste the file info into the url of browser:


Right mouse click, and choose Relieve Every bit...

https://world wide SaveAs

4. The File has been downloaded

Now, we have the file in our PC!


Method 2 - Downloading YouTube Video using VLC streaming to a file

In this method, we just practice streaming using VLC with its target ready equally a file.

i. Get URL from YouTube Video

Go the url while the video is played on YouTube:


2. Streaming to a file using VLC

Run VLC player, then select Stream...


Paste the YouTube URL into network URL, then striking Stream button:


Just click Next at the Source setup dialog:


In the Destination Setup window, click Add:


Put the destination file proper name: DestinationFileName

Click Stream button at the Option Setup dialog:


Now, VLC is transcoding while doing streaming:


Method 0 - Downloading YouTube Video (youtube-dl)

Written in Python, the youtube-dl is one of the virtually pop tools for downloading videos not but from YouTube but from other sources.

  1. How to download youtube-dl?
    $ sudo ringlet -o /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl            
  2. Set a executable execute permission
    $ sudo chmod a+10 /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl            
  3. How to use it to download YouTube video?
    To download a video file, just run the following command. All we demand is the url of the video that nosotros want to download.
    $ youtube-dl [youtube] dP15zlyra3c: Downloading webpage [youtube] dP15zlyra3c: Downloading video info webpage [youtube] dP15zlyra3c: Extracting video information [youtube] dP15zlyra3c: Downloading DASH manifest [youtube] dP15zlyra3c: Downloading Dash manifest [download] Destination: Play a trick on Snow Dive - Yellowstone - BBC Two-dP15zlyra3c.f137.mp4 [download] 100% of xiii.25MiB in 00:08 [download] Destination: Fox Snow Swoop - Yellowstone - BBC Two-dP15zlyra3c.f141.m4a [download] 100% of ane.78MiB in 00:01 [ffmpeg] Merging formats into "Fox Snow Dive - Yellowstone - BBC 2-dP15zlyra3c.mp4" Deleting original file Fox Snow Dive - Yellowstone - BBC Two-dP15zlyra3c.f137.mp4 (pass -k to continue) Deleting original file Fox Snow Dive - Yellowstone - BBC 2-dP15zlyra3c.f141.m4a (pass -grand to go along)            
  4. Downloading done!
    $ ls Fox Snow Swoop - Yellowstone - BBC Two-dP15zlyra3c.mp4            

  5. Listing of available formats
    $ youtube-dl --list-formats [youtube] dP15zlyra3c: Downloading webpage [youtube] dP15zlyra3c: Downloading video info webpage [youtube] dP15zlyra3c: Extracting video data [youtube] dP15zlyra3c: Downloading DASH manifest [youtube] dP15zlyra3c: Downloading Nuance manifest [info] Available formats for dP15zlyra3c: format code  extension  resolution note 171          webm       audio just Dash audio  118k , vorbis@128k (44100Hz), 761.87KiB 140          m4a        audio merely DASH sound  129k , m4a_dash container, aac  @128k (44100Hz), 916.53KiB 141          m4a        sound simply DASH audio  255k , m4a_dash container, aac  @256k (44100Hz), 1.78MiB 160          mp4        256x144    Nuance video  111k , avc1.4d400c, 13fps, video only, 785.14KiB 242          webm       426x240    DASH video  114k , vp9, 1fps, video only, 570.74KiB 243          webm       640x360    Dash video  203k , vp9, 1fps, video only, 1009.74KiB 133          mp4        426x240    DASH video  247k , avc1.4d4015, 25fps, video but, 1.69MiB 134          mp4        640x360    Nuance video  251k , avc1.4d401e, 25fps, video only, 1.23MiB 244          webm       854x480    DASH video  368k , vp9, 1fps, video only, 1.81MiB 135          mp4        854x480    Nuance video  542k , avc1.4d401e, 25fps, video only, 2.78MiB 247          webm       1280x720   DASH video  622k , vp9, 1fps, video simply, iii.35MiB 136          mp4        1280x720   Dash video 1163k , avc1.4d401f, 25fps, video only, vi.50MiB 248          webm       1920x1080  Nuance video 1171k , vp9, 1fps, video only, 6.80MiB 137          mp4        1920x1080  Nuance video 2087k , avc1.640028, 25fps, video only, 13.25MiB 17           3gp        176x144    small ,  mp4a.40.2, mp4v.20.3 36           3gp        320x240    small ,  mp4a.40.2, mp4v.twenty.3 v            flv        400x240    modest  43           webm       640x360    medium ,  vorbis, vp8.0 18           mp4        640x360    medium ,  mp4a.40.two, avc1.42001E 22           mp4        1280x720   hd720 ,  mp4a.40.2, avc1.64001F (best)            
  6. To download a preferred file format, use the option -f (video format code). For instance, if we want to download webm format, nosotros use 43 every bit shown below:
    $ youtube-dl -f 43 man?v=dP15zlyra3c            
  7. To download a list of videos, nosotros can utilise a playlist. Simply add together the playlist URL:
    $ youtube-dl https://world wide [youtube:playlist] PLZI6KTHH6719rdZQ_OpJu5G7wQDcm4PoY: Downloading webpage [download] Downloading playlist: Quantum theory [youtube:playlist] playlist Quantum theory: Downloading 2 videos [download] Downloading video ane of ii [youtube] e5_V78SWGF0: Downloading webpage [youtube] e5_V78SWGF0: Downloading video info webpage [youtube] e5_V78SWGF0: Extracting video data [youtube] e5_V78SWGF0: Downloading Nuance manifest [youtube] e5_V78SWGF0: Downloading Dash manifest Alarm: Requested formats are incompatible for merge and volition be merged into mkv. [download] Destination: Quantum Theory Made Like shooting fish in a barrel [1]-e5_V78SWGF0.f137.mp4 [download] 100% of 324.10MiB in 02:48 [download] Destination: Breakthrough Theory Fabricated Easy [ane]-e5_V78SWGF0.f251.webm [download] 100% of xxx.87MiB in 00:21 [ffmpeg] Merging formats into "Quantum Theory Made Easy [i]-e5_V78SWGF0.mkv" Deleting original file Breakthrough Theory Fabricated Easy [1]-e5_V78SWGF0.f137.mp4 (laissez passer -k to continue) Deleting original file Breakthrough Theory Made Easy [1]-e5_V78SWGF0.f251.webm (pass -m to keep) [download] Downloading video two of 2 [youtube] FlIrgE5T_g0: Downloading webpage [youtube] FlIrgE5T_g0: Downloading video info webpage [youtube] FlIrgE5T_g0: Extracting video data [youtube] FlIrgE5T_g0: Downloading DASH manifest [youtube] FlIrgE5T_g0: Downloading Dash manifest WARNING: Requested formats are incompatible for merge and will be merged into mkv. [download] Destination: Quantum Theory Made Easy [2]-FlIrgE5T_g0.f137.mp4 [download] 100% of 321.89MiB in 03:05 [download] Destination: Quantum Theory Made Like shooting fish in a barrel [ii]-FlIrgE5T_g0.f251.webm [download] 100% of 34.72MiB in 00:18 [ffmpeg] Merging formats into "Quantum Theory Fabricated Easy [two]-FlIrgE5T_g0.mkv" Deleting original file Quantum Theory Made Easy [2]-FlIrgE5T_g0.f137.mp4 (laissez passer -k to keep) Deleting original file Quantum Theory Made Easy [two]-FlIrgE5T_g0.f251.webm (pass -k to go along) [download] Finished downloading playlist: Quantum theory  $ ls Quantum Theory Made Like shooting fish in a barrel [1]-e5_V78SWGF0.mkv Breakthrough Theory Fabricated Piece of cake [2]-FlIrgE5T_g0.mkv            
  8. When we downloaded the playlist, the default option is to delete original files. So, if nosotros want to go on them, we tin just provide -m equally shown beneath:
    $ youtube-dl -thousand            
  9. We tin download a video from Vimeo also:
    $ youtube-dl [vimeo] 22439234: Downloading webpage [vimeo] 22439234: Extracting information [vimeo] 22439234: Downloading webpage [vimeo] 22439234: Downloading JSON metadata [vimeo] 22439234: Downloading m3u8 information [download] Destination: The Mount-22439234.mp4 [download] 100% of 59.93MiB in 01:23            


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